F1 Today | Norris looks forward to challenging Verstappen

F1 News

F1 Today May 9 Norris to challenge Verstappen and return to Woking
9 May at 20:00

After winning the Miami Grand Prix and celebrating his first victory in Formula One in Miami, Lando Norris and the rest of the McLaren team returned to Woking. The Briton looked ahead to a possible title fight in the future with Max Verstappen, while Zak Brown commented on potentially getting a new tattoo.

Norris and McLaren return to Woking

It was quite a weekend for Lando Norris at the Miami Grand Prix. After getting knocked out of the Sprint race on Saturday, he won his first ever Formula One race a day after. The Woking-based celebrated their new trophy appropriately at their factory. Talking to Sky Sports, The British driver also believes he will be able to battle with Max Verstappen for a world championship. "Next year? 100%. I'm saying that still with my feet on the ground," Norris said with a smile on his face.

Zak Brown answered an important question: will he get a new tattoo similarly to the one he got after Daniel Ricciardo's win back at the 2021 Italian Grand Prix. "Miami is a longer track than Monza, so it's more painful. So I'm still thinking about what I do," he told Sky Sports.

New thoughts on Newey's destination

Zak Brown also talked about Adrian Newey's future on the Beyond the Grid podcast. "I think he’ll continue in F1. I mean, he loves the sport. I think he’s definitely not done," McLaren's CEO said.

Helmut Marko also shared his thoughts on the matter. "I think anything is possible with a great colour like green," Marko said in an interview with total-motorsport.

Ferrari's innovation

During their filming day in Fiorano, Ferrari have tested a new version of mudguards, surprising the fans of the sport. The Italians have also announced that Bryan Bozzi will replace Xavi Marcos as Charles Leclerc's race engineer from Imola onwards.