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Status Updates posted by Medilloni

  1. is a grandad. Damn. Even more to love about life ;-)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. AleHop


      Very good news. Congrats, John. Happy Christmas.

    3. freaky2



    4. dribbler


      Damn, missed this. Congrats, John. Enjoy!

  2. RIP Leslie Nielsen, an incredibly funny man... farting on live interviews might have been child-like, but boy was it funny to see the interviewer crack up. Maybe that should be... FIP. Over.

  3. My Juicy Fashion Purse won't fit my friend's dildo in. I am beside myself, the top is just peeping out. Lurking. Waiting...

  4. And? Are they filled yet Bruce?

  5. Well Eric, you'll be missed, look forward to seeing you back here

  6. It's worse when no-one's posted a status update since Eric ;-)

    1. Pucky the Whale

      Pucky the Whale

      It's my fault. Every single account registered here is me. It's hard to remember all those passwords sometimes.

  7. went to work on his bike this morning... feels FIT! VIBRANT! ALIVE!!!. Shame about the sweaty nuts and sore crotch.

    1. HandyNZL


      You groping yourself again?

  8. Damn, it's quiet in here, y'can hear a fart drop

  9. If I fall through the hole in my neighbourhood, I'll see y'all there ;-)

  10. is at two with nature.

    1. LabradoRacer


      nice way of saying "attending the call of nature"

  11. Thought I'd leave a comment 'cos you'll see I've been perving yer profile Graham. not many with this 'about me' thing is there?

  12. Hi Mike, just dropped by because I'm a nosy buggar. Great to see you back!

  13. Weird, looking at people's profiles. I feel like I'm perving. I like it, think I'll do some more. Hiya Steve ;-)

  14. Just noticed your comment Quiet One, thanks! And the same back at ya ;-)

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