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Lance Stroll

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I'd imagine Bottas will have the beating of him, for his sake he'd better having spent a fair few seasons in F1 now, and especially if it's true he's got an eye on a Ferrari ride..

Vis a vis Williams.. Having a driver who (money or no) has an impressive junior record AND comes LOADED with money.. Can't say it's not good for them.. Opens up the North American market nicely too..

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@Unknown? Sorry for being a contrarian, but Stroll Jr. will open nothing in NA, because wast parts of US population might have difficulty not only to find Canada on the map, or even at least pointing in correct direction where are Canadian borders, never mind knowing who Stroll Jr. is. (Sorry Ruslan and Massa). He may pick a few new fans in Canada next year, but if he flops, then he will be done and dismissed in his own backyard. There is noise in the pipes that Montreal might be interested, but financially not be in a position to renew contract, because money is in short supply. Its up and down as far as future is concerned.

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If Villeneuve couldn't do it with the impressive resume he had before f1 no also winning a championship, stroll has no chance.

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Papa Stroll owns a racing track, so he might carry potentially some weight at the table, when time comes and promoter's contract needs to be negotiated. Stroll comes from French part of Canada (Montreal), which generally favors F1, whereas in Toronto, English part of Canada, anyone hardly ever speaks about the F1, and if they do, then it is not in very nice terms. Vast majority there are US Indy and NASCAR guys. JV did not have too much success with them either. If however Strolls becomes second MV, then all bets are off.

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Good point, he has to have it from the get go doesn't he? There not going to wait for him to "develop", they don't have the patience when they already have such well established series already in America.

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Toronto has Indy, Montreal has the F1, and there is a lot of hate between those two cities, if I may say that in here. It goes beyond auto racing; there is friction everywhere, from ice hockey to finances, etc. Its fun to watch up to the point, and then one gets sick of it. Stroll Jr. will receive push from Cd broadcasters, but as far as making himself popular with fans, on that he has to work pretty hard. I wish him good luck. Interestingly, current PM of Canada is from Montreal as well. Is it a game changer? Who knows, but after the US election focus is on other issues than support for F1.

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