F1 News

Haas to face rebrand after Rich Energy forced to change logo

Haas to face rebrand after Rich Energy forced to change logo

14-05-2019 16:23 Last update: 16:40

It has been reported that Haas is likely to re-brand after title sponsor Rich Energy lost a high court battle over its logo. Whyte Bikes have accused Rich Energy of copying their logo and have forced "the removal of the logo of the First Defendant, Rich Energy Limited, from the Formula 1 race car and website of the Rich Energy Haas Formula 1 motor racing team."

Rich Energy’s logo seems to have been found to infringe the copyright of the Whyte logo, meaning Whyte Bike's parent company, ATB could force the removal of the Rich Energy logo and damages or a share of Rich Energy’s profit. 

Rich Energy is allowed to appeal against the decision and the case is adjourned until a further hearing on June the 27th.

As well as the cost of the case, Rich Energy is likely to have to change their logo including the millions of cans of its energy drink that it sells. The F1 team seems set to change the logo on its cars, driver overalls, transporters leading to a whole rebrand. 

Judge, Sean Kelly, said as quoted by PitPass "I am satisfied that some of Mr Storey’s evidence was incorrect or misleading and that he was involved in the manufacture of documents during the course of litigation to provide additional support for the defendants’ case.

"I do not accept either Mr Storey or Mr Kelly as credible or reliable witnesses and I treat all of their evidence with a high degree of caution.

"I am satisfied on the balance of probabilities that both Mr Kelly and Mr Storey have lied about not being familiar with C’s Device," she concluded, referring to the Whyte Bikes logo. "I find it more likely than not that they were familiar with it, and that they directly and knowingly copied it."