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Everything posted by Medilloni

  1. Weird, looking at people's profiles. I feel like I'm perving. I like it, think I'll do some more. Hiya Steve ;-)

  2. Hi Karen, welcome. Is that your real name, like Paul is Pabloh? Oooops
  3. Yeah I'd say she's a spunky kinda gal Steve. I nearly said, "you don't look at the mantlepiece when you're stoking the fire", but that would sooooo common. Curiously, I'm the only one here now. And your pit after-whiff still lingers.
  4. Normally I like to bend with the breeze. But Murray, you have done the unforgiveable. Never take the p!ss out of Meg Ryan. She has more beauty in just one of her pubic hairs (please, no shaving jokes) than you will witness in ten million lifetimes (and according to my strong Buddhist connections, that's how long you've got ). Your Megness, I am truly sorry that one of my countrymen has uttered this filth. He's gay, please ignore him. Thank you.
  5. Err. No. I was thinking of Murray Mints, hard on the outside, hard on the inside, and they always go sticky in yer pants.
  6. Well Milly? Guessed yet? A clue? He could be named after a mint. Another clue? His name rymes with 'Stalker' Oh sod it, it's Murray. And a big howdy doody to all you people fresh to the forum.
  7. Hi Milly, welcome and hope you enjoy yourself here. Interesting turn of phrase though: Best not to give a clue to our resident womaniser about your sexual preferences. Be careful out there.........
  8. Hi Magus, welcome, pull up a chair and make yerself a brew.
  9. Hi Erico, welcome to the forum. Interesting you're supportive of Glock, is that because you followed his progress before F1? Good choices anyway.......
  10. Opinionated and passionate? Just what this forum needs, more feisty women-folk Welcome indeedy.
  11. Just noticed your comment Quiet One, thanks! And the same back at ya ;-)

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