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Quiet One

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Quiet One last won the day on August 4 2009

Quiet One had the most liked content!

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15 Good

1 Follower

About Quiet One

  • Rank
    The balding avenger
  • Birthday 04/28/1970

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  1. It's dejà vu all over again

  2. Oh, I don't know...I wouldn't call Kimi a playboy... Welcome aboard btw!
  3. Watching American Top Gear. Appalling.

    1. Massa


      I'm sorry for your lost time.

    2. Rainmaster


      I can imagine. I guess the "problem" is that the British version survives and entertains despite the controversial humour/politics because its production values are just so high. Would be hard to capture that anywhere else.

    3. Quiet One

      Quiet One

      The production is every bit as good as the UK version. It's just that lacks the irony. So it makes American look like redneck idiots which they are not. A shame, I hoped it would be great.

  4. 1) That's obviously Baumgartner's helmet. You know, the one that's not Zsolt, the actually fast one... 2) Geez, woman, I mean, welcome and all that but you are a, you know...a woman! Women like Kimi, just like Brad here! And true men like Alonso btw 3)@Craig: You wish! FYI I'm smart numbers and stuff... See? Ouch, got my shoelaces tangled around my ear again grrr...
  5. Welcome aboard! I don't know if you read the terms and conditions of the forum, but in case you missed it, by pressing "I agree" you sold your soul to the devil. Yeah, that happens.
  6. Careful now that we have an Argentinian Pope. You mess with me, you mess with god!

    1. Rainmaster


      I can confirm that

    2. LabradoRacer


      Joke I came across today: As Francis has only one lung, choir boys will be able to outrun him.

    3. Kati


      Now that was unexpected...

  7. Release the Kraken!

  8. I was wrong. I wasn't ok at all. Now I am.

    1. Rainmaster


      Stop playing with our emotions

  9. I feel sorry for you guys but unfortunately I'm back after a 10 day vacation in a hospital.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. dribbler


      Good to see you back in the loop, my friend.

    3. Rainmaster


      Looks like my plan failed.

    4. AleHop


      Glad you're back and well

  10. Hey, I wouldn't say that! I'm usually gagged anyways and wearing... Wait...are you sure this is a PM?
  11. Indeed. I like your approach to F1, though. Somebody who can see past his own likes/dislikes and enjoy other good drives. Not many of those around. If you are patient enough until this forum starts picking up pace again, you will notice that despite our digs and jokes, most of us are just like that. I am supposed to say something funny now, but I have a cold so I will just write you an I.O.U. for some witty remark. Mr.Rainmaster here can provide you with a better one, anyways!
  12. Salaam Alaykum, Ismael. Welcome aboard. Have you considered switching your obviously misinformed supports towards Lotus F1 and Fernando Alonso? I'll be glad to help What? I'm just saying!
  13. Welcome aboard! We might be a close knit group (apparently it is both a curse and a blessing) but we always enjoy having new people and that thing about throwing people down a volcano crater? Not true. BTW, you are not a female virgin are you?
  14. Flush

    1. Autumnpuma


      I was thinking a pair. I didn't want to go too aggressive. You win.

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