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Time Travel

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Is this for real?

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My questions are thus:

1/ How would a phone work without a cell tower?

2/ How come some fat person gets to be a time traveler? Totally disproves anything from Hollywood!

3/ Is time travel even possible?

My take on (3) is that you can go back in time, but not forward, as there is no point of reference and you don't know if where you are going to go forward to in time, will even exist anymore, whereas going backwards you have a reference and know where you're going to....but then it gets tricky in that what you do in the past (now present) will affect where you came from and you either fade away or can no longer return to your own time without the fear that where you came from exists anymore. In other words, time travel is a one way trip in reverse.

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Sure thing.

We are all (together with everything else) traveling through time right now.

So, yeah, it's possible. It's fvking happening.

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Geez, this is an easy one:

Chaplin didn't film in the early 20th century. He made his films last year, then "they" drugged us (probably through some substance they put on Red Bull drinks) and induced us to believe that the movies were always there and even implanted false memories into us watching those movies as kids. That is why Chaplin films are so surprisingly fresh even now. He is alive (some people have identified him as the misterious "Eric" guy that posts in some F1 forum) and the money is shared between him and "Them". Don't ask me who "They" are.

Oh, btw, that fat lady is actually Norbert Haug. He is with "them" too.

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Sure thing.

We are all (together with everything else) traveling through time right now.

So, yeah, it's possible. It's fvking happening.

Is it we that are time traveling, or is time traveling with us?

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Is it we that are time traveling, or is time traveling with us?

Your question is not as stupid as it sounds.

Add to it that if you were to time travel 6 months (past or future, same thingy) the planet would be elsewhere and you would be floating in space. Worse yet, the solar system moves too in relation to the galactic center and the galaxy, in turn, moves in relation to others. Odds are that you would end up fvcked no matter what.

I go with the Chaplin bit mainly because I have no idea what Oh Quiet On (or this thread) is all about.

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3/ Is time travel even possible?

My take on (3) is that you can go back in time, but not forward, as there is no point of reference and you don't know if where you are going to go forward to in time, will even exist anymore, whereas going backwards you have a reference and know where you're going to....but then it gets tricky in that what you do in the past (now present) will affect where you came from and you either fade away or can no longer return to your own time without the fear that where you came from exists anymore. In other words, time travel is a one way trip in reverse.

Good thread :thbup: ...

well my thoughts on (3) are completely opposite to yours on this topic, where i think time travel may be made possible for going in future but not in past. Its like a WISH for being in Alice's wonderland(or heaven, or jumping into an F1 car the very next day and beat everyone on the grid, or whatever..), because you wish to just pop-up into a certain frame of state that your mind wants you to be in.

To add to what maure just said, lets say that you decide to go back to,, emm, let's say to.. 1950(just), so this should mean that you, and you alone stay as and where you are in relation to time and space surrounding you, and the chain of events around you rewind back and drop you at a certain point in time in past. For which to happen, these said 'chain of events' which also includes every-fukin-thing in the universe(including you taking birth in the first place btw) roll backwards. I don't think that could be possible.

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If time rewinds, then, yes, everything rewinds, and it won't just be you that would cease to least not till you re-exist and end up doing it all over again....and setting up a never ending time loop.

No, I think if time travel is to ever exist, then it is you that has to move in time, and not time moving around you.

I think that time can not rewind, the next moment in time will always take place, no matter what we do. Time can only go in one direction, in other words.

Perhaps time travel going forward would be more akin to you moving slowly through time, whilst everyone else moved along in "real" time....thus ten minutes to you, was ten years in "real time". I believe Albert Einstein promoted this theory.

Going in reverse would be much harder, as you have to bend gravity and time, so would require a huge mass (much bigger than a few thousand earths), or perhaps anti-matter. But the benefit I see in going backwards is that you can calculate where you stop (unlike what Maure said) simply because we already know where the planets were can all be calculated by even today's technologies.

An instantaneous "jump" forward, whilst calculable in terms of where the planets etc will be, you can not calculate whether or not the building you are in will still be standing in 100 years, let alone 5-minutes after you "jump".

As for the video...lets presume that it is not a fake....lets presume it is real, and this is someone walking with their hand to their ear, and then saying something. This is all plausible. However, the power of suggestion being what it is, our brains are telling us that the reason for the hand being near the ear is because they have a cellphone, because this is what we expect to be true. This being for two reasons...1, it is common place today, and 2, we are told that this is the case, and even though our minds know this shouldn't be the case, the suggestion of it being true is enough for us to believe that it might be true.

It's the same reason we see faces in bread, or on the side of a mountain due to shadows or peculiar rock formations. Our minds fill in the blanks because of what we train it to think, and because of what we have been trained to think because of what we have observed in the past.

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You missed the point, little pakeha. It is not about "calculating" anything. I simply pointed it out that "jumping" through time requires "jumping" through space too.

So, start by figuring out first how to break through space...

And _no_, there are no restrictions back or forward in time travel. Sorry, pals.

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A short clip of scratchy sound was found to accompany this footage (remember, The Jazz Singer came out in 1927). You can just barely make out the woman's side of the conversation on this momentous occasion:

"Nothin' - Wassup with you?"

Time travel? I never stop doing it.

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Almost midnight here and watching MotoGP... fvck, can't remember the last time I was up this late and watching _live_ racing. Up yours, neurological ward.


Time-traveler fans always forget that they make several assumptions... all of which are very questionable.

1st there is the stationary universe assumption, a complete misconception. The universe is in constant movement, as I pointed out earlier. You can't resolve the "location" problem (there are only relative points in the universe) unless you can punch through space as well as time.

2nd there is the existence of the past and future assumption, that is, as if time were a tape of sorts with a back, now, and front. Again, a misconception. There is no evidence suggesting the past exists anymore or that the future already exist. Rather, the past _doesn't_ exist anymore and the future _doesn't_ exist yet.

3rd... well, unless someone else cares, I stop here.

So, based on the inability to maintain the first two assumptions, time travel equates to "going" to an unexisting universe. Thus, there are no "causality" problems or restrictions on this kind of "going". After all, traveling to an unexisting universe would require the realization of such a universe, that being a universe other than this one...

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Time travel to me would be the ultimate study session.

As I'm a historian, would love to be able to zip back and learn directly, live it!

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Time travel to me would be the ultimate study session.

As I'm a historian, would love to be able to zip back and learn directly, live it!

True... but if you were to live the past, you would be dead now.

Not the best of deals, my friend.

They actually gave away their millions!!!!!!

I enjoyed the absurdity of your post. Thanx.

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